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Leading ~
A Introductory Six Week Short Course
Lesson One: Introduction
Overview of stained glass
Selection of first project & project glass
First Cuts
Lesson Four: Assembly
Affixing cartoon to workboard
Basics of leading
Practice with the lead dykes
Begin assembly of project panel
Lesson Two: Cutting
Review of homework practice cuts made
Practice with the groziers
Basics of patterning and using mylar
Preparation of the project cartoon
Initial cutting on project panel
  Lesson Five: Assembly Continues
Continue leading up project panel
All leading must be complete prior to next class session
General discussion of soldering iron and techniques for next session
Lesson Three:  Cutting Continues
Complete cutting of project panel
General discussion of assembly process
Lesson Six: Solder & Cement
Solder all lead joints
Cementing and cleaning the panel
Signing the panel
Prerequisites:  NONE – this is a beginning level class.
Course runs six consecutive weeks (or as close as possible), one night per week, two to three hours per session, on a Wednesday night, 6-8 PM.
Maximum class size is 10 people; minimum is 3.
Cost is $125 per person, which does not include supplies or equipment. There is also a $50 tool deposit which is refundable at the last class if all tools are returned OR the deposit can be applied to materials cost
Students will have full access to shop tools and equipment during the course. Depending upon design selected, expect about $100 additional for supplies and basic tools (if desired).
Some lessons may be consolidated depending on how quickly each goes and how much has been done by the student outside of class.
There will be homework for each session. Due to the limited classroom instruction time, students must keep up with the class schedule in order to finish panel in 6-week period. Students will have access to all necessary shop tools and equipment throughout the six-week course of the classes, during normal shop hours. Additional shop time can be arranged at a cost of $15 per studio hour if needed.
Students receive a 10% discount on all purchases during the time frame of their course.
It’s a wonderful, rewarding craft.  For more information, please contact us.
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